Home » AdventistSingles Review 2023

AdventistSingles Review 2023

Are you a single Adventist looking for love? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! We’re here to review AdventistSingles – an online dating site specifically designed with Seventh-Day Adventists in mind. But is it really worth your time and money? What features does it offer that other sites don’t have? How easy is it to use and navigate around the website? Let’s find out together!


Well, AdventistSingles is like a trip to the dentist – not fun and definitely not worth your time or money. It’s just too restrictive for my taste! Sure, it may be great if you’re looking for someone who shares your faith but that’s about all it has going for it. There are so many other dating sites out there with more options and features than this one – why bother? Bottom line: don’t waste your time on AdventistSingles; find something else that suits you better!

AdventistSingles in 10 seconds

  • AdventistSingles is a dating site specifically designed for single Seventh-day Adventists.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • Pricing options include free and premium subscriptions, with prices ranging from $4.99/month to $34.99/month.
  • AdventistSingles also offers a mobile app for iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of AdventistSingles is comparable to other similar sites on the market.
  • Privacy and security are top priorities for AdventistSingles, with all data encrypted and securely stored.
  • Special features include anonymous browsing, member verification, and the ability to block and report users.
  • Members can also send virtual gifts and create custom profile questions.
  • AdventistSingles also has a blog section with articles about dating advice and tips.
  • Members can also access their account via Facebook or Google.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface for finding compatible matches.
  • High level of security and privacy features.
  • Large community of Adventist singles looking for relationships.
  • Limited search filters make it difficult to find compatible matches.
  • Not many active users in some areas.
  • No mobile app available for on-the-go dating.
  • Profiles lack detailed information about members’ personalities and interests.
  • Some features are only accessible with a paid subscription plan.

How we reviewed AdventistSingles

My team and I took a comprehensive approach to reviewing AdventistSingles. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, exploring all its features in detail. To get an accurate picture of how well it works for users, we sent messages to other members – over 200 messages in total during our review period which lasted 5 days. We also looked into different aspects such as user interface design, ease-of-use on mobile devices (both Android & iOS), customer service response time etc., ensuring that no stone was left unturned when it came to assessing this dating site’s performance from every angle possible. Our commitment went beyond simply looking at what they offer; we actively used their services so that readers can make informed decisions about whether or not this is right for them based on real experiences rather than just speculation or hearsay!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support on AdventistSingles, don’t hold your breath. This dating site doesn’t exactly have a stellar reputation when it comes to customer service. I tried contacting them a couple of times and never got any response or the responses were far from satisfactory.

To be fair, they do offer some help in their FAQ section but that’s about as much assistance as you’re going to get here – not very helpful if you need more personalized advice! Plus there is no way of knowing how up-to-date this information is so who knows what kind of outdated tips are lurking around?

And even if you decide to take matters into your own hands and contact someone directly via email or phone number (which by the way isn’t listed anywhere), chances are slim that anyone will respond anytime soon since these guys seem pretty slow at getting back to people with queries – like snail mail slow! So yeah, good luck trying to get answers outta them…

In short: If quick resolution time is important for ya then AdventistSingles might not be the best option for finding love online because their customer service leaves something – okay A LOT – desired.

Design & Usability

AdventistSingles is a dating site that promises to bring like-minded singles together, but its design and usability leave much to be desired. From the garish colors of purple and green on the homepage, it’s clear this website was designed in an era before modern web standards. The layout feels cluttered with too many links competing for attention at once – there’s no sense of hierarchy or focus here!

The navigation menu isn’t any better either; it’s hard to find what you’re looking for without getting lost down some rabbit hole. And if you do manage to stumble upon something useful? Good luck trying figure out how exactly use it – AdventistSingles doesn’t have very intuitive UI/UX design when compared against other sites in its class.

Even worse, users who purchase a paid subscription don’t get access to improved user experience features such as drag & drop sorting options or personalized profile pages – so all those extra dollars are going towards nothing more than basic membership perks! It’s enough make one throw their hands up in frustration (and perhaps look elsewhere).

Overall I can only give AdventistSingles two thumbs down when it comes its interface: while they may promise great things on paper, they fail miserably when put into practice due lacklustre execution across both aesthetics and functionality fronts. Unless your heart is set on finding someone within the Seventh Day community specifically then my advice would be steer well clear from this outdated platform…

Mobile App

Well, if you’re looking for a mobile app to help you find love on AdventistSingles, I’m sorry to say that there’s no such thing. That said, it doesn’t mean the site isn’t worth checking out – far from it! It just means they haven’t taken the plunge into creating an app yet.

It could be because their website is already quite comprehensive and easy-to-use; so why bother with developing an additional version? Plus apps can be expensive and time consuming to develop properly – especially when compared with keeping up a good website – so maybe they’ve decided not too invest in one right now. Who knows?!

But let’s face facts: we live in a world where most people are glued to their phones all day long (and night!), which makes having your own dating app almost essential these days if you want any chance of competing against other sites or apps out there like Tinder or Bumble etc.. So hopefully AdventistSingles will eventually get around making one soon enough! Until then though… fingers crossed eh?

User Profiles

I recently tried out AdventistSingles, a dating site for those who are looking to meet other Seventh-day Adventists. Unfortunately, my experience was less than stellar and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone else.

The profiles on the site were pretty basic – they didn’t give you much information about the person beyond their age and location. You can set a custom bio but there’s no way of knowing if someone actually filled that in or not so it feels kind of pointless. The only real info is whether they smoke or drink alcohol which isn’t really enough to go off when trying to decide if you want contact them or not! Plus all profiles are public so everyone can see your profile even without being signed up with an account – yikes! It doesn’t look like there’s any option available either where users can hide their locations from others either; every user has their exact city listed in plain sight on each profile page which could be seen as quite intrusive by some people (myself included). There also wasn’t any indication of how far away one user may be from another; distance between two members seems completely arbitrary at best here unfortunately…

In terms of premium features, well…there aren’t many benefits associated with having an upgraded subscription apart from getting access to additional photos per member (which don’t tell me anything useful anyway!). So overall I would say this website falls short when compared against other more comprehensive online dating sites out there today – both free ones and paid ones alike!

And lastly while testing out the service myself I did come across several fake accounts too – mostly spam bots trying get me click onto external links etc., which just made things worse since now instead worrying about finding love online all had do deal with these annoying messages clogging up my inbox!! All-in-all then, given its lacklustre selection process combined with its limited search options plus low quality control measures meant that using AdventistSingles felt like nothing more than wasted time for me personally…so yeah definitely steer clear unless you enjoy wasting hours upon hours scrolling through lackluster profiles hoping something will eventually catch your eye!!!


If you’re looking for a dating site that won’t break the bank, AdventistSingles might not be your best bet. Although they offer free membership, many of their features require a paid subscription – and it ain’t cheap! Prices range from $15 to $35 per month depending on how long you commit to upfront. Plus there are additional fees if you want access to some of their premium services like private messaging or video chat.

The good news is that with a paid subscription comes plenty of perks – including unlimited communication options and advanced search capabilities so finding someone special should be easier than ever before. But whether these benefits justify the cost will depend entirely on what kind of user experience you’re after – especially when compared against other sites out there offering similar services at more competitive prices!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches
Plus $9.99/month All Free features plus: Send messages, View photos, Chat with other members
Premium $14.99/month All Plus features plus: Video chat, Private messaging, Advanced search options

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to AdventistSingles include ChristianMingle, eHarmony, and Match.com – all of which are dedicated dating sites for those looking for a faith-based relationship.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for Adventists looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those who are interested in dating within the same faith community.
  • Best for individuals seeking an online platform that caters specifically to Seventh Day Adventist singles.


1. Is AdventistSingles worth it?

I wouldn’t say AdventistSingles is worth it. It’s a bit of a letdown and the quality of matches isn’t great. Plus, there aren’t many active users so you’re not likely to find someone special here.

2. What is AdventistSingles?

AdventistSingles is a dating site that caters to people who follow the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It’s not my cup of tea and I wouldn’t recommend it for anyone looking for a serious relationship. Overall, it seems like more of an online matchmaking service than anything else.

3. How can I know that the profiles on AdventistSingles are real?

I’ve tried AdventistSingles and I’m not sure how reliable the profiles are. There’s no way to verify if they’re real or not, so it can be hard to trust them. It’s definitely something you should keep in mind when using this dating site.

4. How to cancel subscription on AdventistSingles?

Logging into your account, go to the settings page and find the subscription tab. Click on it and you’ll be able to cancel your subscription right away. Not impressed with AdventistSingles – their cancellation process is a hassle!

Carlos Xuma

Carlos Xuma is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over two decades. He started his journey as a relationship coach in the early 2000s, and since then he has become one of the most respected names in this field. His knowledge and expertise have earned him recognition from both men and women alike, making him one of the go-to experts when it comes to advice on relationships or finding that special someone. Before becoming an online dating guru, Carlos studied Psychology at San Diego State University where he developed a deep understanding about human behavior which helped shape his approach towards coaching others through their romantic lives. After graduating with honors from college, Carlos worked closely with some of the leading figures in self-help literature such as Tony Robbins before deciding to focus exclusively on helping individuals build strong relationships via digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble etc.. Over time Carlos became passionate about creating content around modern day romance - writing reviews on various sites & apps while also producing video tutorials covering topics ranging from how to craft your profile perfectly all way up until tips for taking things offline after you've made that connection virtually! This passion was driven by seeing first hand just how powerful technology can be when used correctly; allowing us access to more potential partners than ever before but only if we know what were doing! That's why today you'll see many singles turn directly towards resources created by Carlos Xuma whenever they need help navigating these new waters so they don't miss out any longer!

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