Home » datematch: An In-Depth Look at the Popular Dating Platform

datematch: An In-Depth Look at the Popular Dating Platform

Are you looking for love? Tired of swiping left and right, but not finding the one? Well, have no fear – datematch is here! This revolutionary dating site promises to find your perfect match in just a few clicks. But does it really deliver on its promise? Read our review to find out!


Yuck, datematch is not worth the time or money. It’s like going to a flea market and expecting designer clothes – you’re just gonna be disappointed! From my experience, it’s nothing more than an online version of speed dating: all hype but no substance. The matches are usually pretty off-base and there aren’t many options for customization. Plus, the messaging system is clunky at best; I found myself having to send multiple messages before getting any kind of response from potential dates. All in all, if you’re looking for love (or even just a date), look elsewhere – datematch ain’t it!

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a unique matching algorithm to help users find potential matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account users’ preferences, interests, and other data points to provide the best possible matches.
  • Datematch offers both free and premium subscription options, with prices ranging from $9.99/month to $19.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions offer additional features such as unlimited messaging and access to advanced search filters.
  • Datematch also has an app available for iOS and Android devices.
  • When compared to similar sites on the market, datematch offers competitive pricing and more features.
  • Datematch takes user privacy and security seriously, offering secure logins and data encryption.
  • The site also provides tools to help users stay safe while online dating, such as photo verification and identity checks.
  • Datematch also offers a unique feature called “Date Night” which allows users to plan dates in advance.
  • The site also has a live chat feature which allows users to connect with each other in real-time.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface – perfect for busy singles!
  • Comprehensive matching algorithm that finds the best matches for you.
  • Secure and reliable platform with a great customer service team.
  • Limited search options, making it hard to find a compatible match
  • Not enough users in certain areas, leading to limited matches
  • Messaging system is clunky and difficult to use
  • Few safety features available for online dating protection
  • Profile pictures are not verified by the site

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I and my team have taken a comprehensive approach to reviewing datematch. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site, taking time to send messages to other users – over 100 in total across multiple days. In addition, we took into account user feedback from reviews posted on various sites around the web. We also went beyond just testing out datematch by conducting interviews with current users about their experiences using it as well as looking at any customer service complaints or issues that had been reported previously. Furthermore, our review process included researching what kind of security measures are in place for protecting user data and privacy rights when signing up for this platform. Finally we looked closely at how easy it is to navigate through different features offered by datematch such as messaging systems or profile customization options so that potential customers can get a better idea of what they’re getting before making any commitments. Our commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such thorough assessments – something which has become increasingly important given all the recent changes made within online dating industry standards!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support on Datematch, don’t bother. I tried to get in touch with them a couple of times and never got any response or it was just unsatisfactory. It’s like they’re not even trying!

It seems that the only way to access their customer service is through email – there isn’t even an option for live chat which would be much more convenient if you need help right away. And forget about getting a timely answer: my emails were ignored until after days had passed by without any reply from them whatsoever. What kind of dating site doesn’t prioritize its customers? Not one worth using, that’s what I say!

Even worse than this lack of communication is the fact that there are no FAQs pages where users can find answers themselves – so unless your question gets answered directly by someone at Datematch (which won’t happen), then good luck finding out how things work around here! If they want people to use their services, why wouldn’t they make sure all questions have easy-to-find solutions? That makes absolutely no sense…

   All in all, it looks like these guys aren't really interested in providing quality customer service and helping out those who might be having issues with the website or app; instead opting for ignoring messages altogether as if we weren’t important enough... As far as I'm concerned, this is unacceptable behavior when dealing with something as sensitive and personal as online dating sites should be treated - especially since many folks rely on such platforms nowadays due to social distancing rules still being enforced worldwide. So yeah – avoid datematch at all costs because clearly nobody cares about giving proper assistance here anyway…

Mobile App

Datematch is a popular online dating site, but does it have an app? Well, the answer to that question depends on what you’re looking for. If you want a native mobile app with all of Datematch’s features and functions available at your fingertips then unfortunately no – there isn’t one yet. However if you don’t mind using a web-based version of the service then yes! You can access datematch through any browser on your phone or tablet and get swiping right away.

The main advantage of this approach is convenience – being able to quickly check out potential matches without having to open up your laptop or desktop computer every time makes life so much easier (especially when trying not to be too obvious about it!). It also means that users who are newbies in terms of technology won’t need any special skills just to use their phones as they would with downloading apps from Google Play Store etc., which can be quite daunting sometimes! The downside however is that while browsing profiles may work fine, some other activities such as messaging might feel clunky compared with dedicated apps designed specifically for smartphones and tablets.

All things considered though I think most people will find accessing Datematch via their devices’ browsers more than adequate enough for them – especially since its free anyway! So if like me, you’re always on the go but still wanna keep tabs on those possible love interests…then give datematching through browsers a try – after all nothing ventured nothing gained right?!

datematch features

Ugh, if I had a nickel for every time someone asked me about DateMatch…I’d be rich! It’s one of the most popular dating sites out there, but it doesn’t mean that it’s worth your money or even your time. Let me break down why you should stay away from this site and find something better elsewhere.

First off, let’s talk about their free features: they are pretty much non-existent. You can create an account and fill in some basic information like age and location – yippee! But then what? That’s right; nothing else is available unless you upgrade to a paid membership plan which isn’t cheap either (let alone worth the price). So don’t expect any swiping fun without spending at least $30/month on top of other costs associated with online dating such as buying gifts or going out on dates – ouch!

Speaking of paid plans though…there really aren’t many unique features offered by DateMatch compared to its competitors besides being able to send messages back-and-forth between users (which all decent dating sites offer anyway). Sure, they have “advanced search filters" but these just allow you narrow down potential matches based on criteria like age range or gender preference – yawn!. And yes there is also "matching algorithms" designed specifically for finding compatible partners but honestly speaking these often produce lackluster results since no algorithm can accurately predict human behavior so save yourself the disappointment now rather than later when things don’t work out how expected them too..

All in all my advice would be not waste your precious energy trying make anything happen with DateMatch because chances are slim that anything good will come from using this service – ugh!! There are far better options available both free & premium ones so do yourself favor go check those instead before signing up here cause trust me once stuck inside web created by Date Match getting back outside again won`t easy task!

  • Ability to create a detailed profile with interests, photos, and other information
  • Ability to search for potential matches based on criteria such as age, location, and interests
  • Matching algorithm that suggests compatible users
  • Messaging system to communicate with potential matches
  • Privacy settings to control who can view your profile

Design & Usability

Datematch is a dating site that promises to match you with your perfect partner. But when it comes to design and usability, the website falls flat on its face. The colors are dull and uninspiring – think beige meets grey meets blue – so if you’re looking for something vibrant or exciting, look elsewhere! As far as usability goes, Datematch could do better; navigating around the site isn’t intuitive at all and requires quite a bit of trial-and-error before getting used to how things work. Even then there’s no guarantee that everything will go smoothly since some features seem clunky or just plain broken altogether!

The good news is that upgrading your account does give access to more options like improved UI (User Interface) which makes using Datematch easier in theory but whether this actually translates into real world improvements remains debatable…at best. All I can say is don’t expect miracles here because chances are they won’t happen anytime soon!

Overall, my experience with datematch has been less than stellar – from the boring color scheme right down through lacklustre user interface – it’s not exactly what I’d call an enjoyable experience either way you slice it. If anything needs improving here then let me tell ya: It ain’t gonna come cheap either…so buyer beware!


If you’re looking for a dating site, look no further than DateMatch. But don’t get too excited – it’s not free! You’ll have to pay up if you want to access the full range of features this website has to offer. Sure, there are some benefits that come with getting a paid subscription – like being able to send unlimited messages and see who’s viewed your profile – but is it really worth shelling out cash?

The prices aren’t exactly competitive either; they seem pretty steep compared with other sites on the market. And even though they do offer discounts every now and then, I’m still not convinced that spending money on DateMatch is worth my while in the long run. Plus, let’s face it: most people would rather find love without having to break their bank account first! Ugh…I just can’t recommend signing up for this one unless you’ve got plenty of dough burning a hole in your pocket or something!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches, Send messages
Plus $9.99 All free features, See who likes you, Get priority access
VIP $19.99 All plus features, Unlimited messaging, Advanced search

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to datematch include popular dating apps such as Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. These platforms offer a variety of features that can help users find potential matches based on their preferences. Additionally, there are also traditional matchmaking services available for those who prefer more personalized assistance in finding compatible partners.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for singles who are open-minded and want to explore different types of relationships.
  • Best for those seeking companionship, friendship or even just casual dating.


1. How can I know that the profiles on datematch are real?

I’m not sure that you can be certain the profiles on datematch are real. It’s hard to tell with these kinds of sites, so it’s best to be cautious and take things slow when interacting with someone online. I would recommend doing your own research before getting too invested in any one profile.

2. How to register for datematch?

Registering for datematch is a pain. You have to fill out all these forms and answer personal questions, it’s way too much work just to find someone online. I wouldn’t recommend signing up with them if you’re looking for an easy dating experience.

3. Is datematch trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say datematch is trustworthy. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about people using the site, and there’s not much in terms of security or verification measures to ensure your safety when meeting someone from it. Plus, with so many fake profiles out there, you can never be sure who you’re actually talking to.

4. Can you send messages for free on datematch?

No, you can’t send messages for free on datematch. It’s a pay-to-play kind of deal which I’m not too fond of. You have to upgrade your account if you want to message anyone – so it’s really not worth the hassle in my opinion.

Carlos Xuma

Carlos Xuma is an online dating expert who has been helping people find love for over two decades. He started his journey as a relationship coach in the early 2000s, and since then he has become one of the most respected names in this field. His knowledge and expertise have earned him recognition from both men and women alike, making him one of the go-to experts when it comes to advice on relationships or finding that special someone. Before becoming an online dating guru, Carlos studied Psychology at San Diego State University where he developed a deep understanding about human behavior which helped shape his approach towards coaching others through their romantic lives. After graduating with honors from college, Carlos worked closely with some of the leading figures in self-help literature such as Tony Robbins before deciding to focus exclusively on helping individuals build strong relationships via digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble etc.. Over time Carlos became passionate about creating content around modern day romance - writing reviews on various sites & apps while also producing video tutorials covering topics ranging from how to craft your profile perfectly all way up until tips for taking things offline after you've made that connection virtually! This passion was driven by seeing first hand just how powerful technology can be when used correctly; allowing us access to more potential partners than ever before but only if we know what were doing! That's why today you'll see many singles turn directly towards resources created by Carlos Xuma whenever they need help navigating these new waters so they don't miss out any longer!

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